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About FullDNA 

Algorithmic platform for health data prediction based on genetic analysis.

Who we are

when we observed the incredible growth of scientific research after the completion of the genome project in 2003. Doctors and other health professionals were unable to update themselves with the millions of articles, results and conclusions published annually. Therefore, this information needed to be catalogued, filtered and transformed in some way to serve as a tool for health professionals.

How we do it

We created a series of complex interconnected algorithms together with AI technology, capable of translating the scientific data and results of these scientific publications into useful information, and over the years we have been creating a unique FullDNA database.

Our Story

FullDNA has identified the need for creating a tool for healthcare professionals to access useful valuable genetic data from the big data pool of 21 million publications and growing daily roughly 2.5 million new publications every year.

Pipetting Samples
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